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Read Red : China's Cultural Revolution by Jiang H. Jiehong TXT, DOC


China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was launched by the Chinese Communist Party in May 1966 and it ended with the death of Mao in 1976. The ten years of upheaval can now be seen as a great tragedy, which has been acknowledged within China itself as a 'cultural desert' in the nation's intellectual history. The scale of the human cost is unknown. The extent of the physical loss of the national heritage was huge. However, as a mass movement in which an unparalleled visual experience was imposed on and executed by the population of eight hundred million people, there is no historical precedent. The art of the revolution eliminated any distinction between artists and the masses. The method was propagandist. The result was the glorification of the great leader, whose beneficent rays symbolically nourished the nation. The language of the revolution and its art was red. Jiang Jiehong, who grew up in Shanghai in the shadow of the revolution, has challenged our conventional dismissal of these bleak years, by uncovering extraordinary visual dynamics. He has brought to light incredible photographs of the period together with painting, graphics and even images of dance. Contemporary Chinese art exists as a reaction against the conformity of those years, yet a spirit of rebellion, ironically, lies at the heart of the revolution itself. This is the first study to place the imagery of the period into a context in which the historical desert can be re-appraised as somewhere more fertile. The complexity of contemporary China is impossible to appreciate without an understanding of the radical cultural upheaval of these years. Red has shaped the collective memory., China�s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was launched by the Chinese Communist Party in May 1966 and it ended with the death of Mao in 1976. The ten years of upheaval can now be seen as a great tragedy, which has been acknowledged within China itself as a �cultural desert� in the nation�s intellectual history. The scale of the human cost is unknown. The extent of the physical loss of the national heritage was huge. However, as a mass movement in which an unparalleled visual experience was imposed on and executed by the population of eight hundred million people, there is no historical precedent. The art of the revolution eliminated any distinction between artists and the masses. The method was propagandist. The result was the glorification of the great leader, whose beneficent rays symbolically nourished the nation. The language of the revolution and its art was red.Jiang Jiehong, who grew up in Shanghai in the shadow of the revolution, has challenged our conventional dismissal of these bleak years, by uncovering extraordinary visual dynamics. He has brought to light incredible photographs of the period together with painting, graphics and even images of dance. Contemporary Chinese art exists as a reaction against the conformity of those years, yet a spirit of rebellion, ironically, lies at the heart of the revolution itself. This is the first study to place the imagery of the period into a context in which the historical desert can be re-appraised as somewhere more fertile. The complexity of contemporary China is impossible to appreciate without an understanding of the radical cultural upheaval of these years. Red has shaped the collective memory.

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Guthrie "Discipleship Reading Plan" by David K.Through a case study of the five-year teacher education program at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and selected research articles and convention presentations related to the program, How Teachers Learn documents the evolution and achievements of a program that is a model of the best practices for teacher preparation., eoeDavose has become synonymous with everything bad about globalizatione"capitalist imperialism, elitism, secrecy, and antidemocratic operations.My Life on the Road" is the moving, funny, and profound story of Gloria s growth and also the growth of a revolutionary movement for equality and the story of how surprising encounters on the road shaped both.Widely employed in traditional shamanic societies, entheogens figure prominently in the origins of religion and their use continues today throughout the world.It is often held that God cannot be timeless if presentism is true, but can be if eternalism is true.In this book, Professor Osler explores theological conceptions of contingency and necessity in the world and how these ideas influenced the development of the mechanical philosophy in the seventeenth century.At the sametime, these warnings of apocalyptic retribution enabled antislavery writers to express, albeit indirectly, fantasies of brutal violence against slaveholders.He is the head of the body, the church, that in all things He may have the preeminence.They alter consciousness in such a profound way that, depending on the set and setting, they can produce the ultimate human experience: union with God or revelation of other mystical realities.We've all had "aha " moments in our lives, times when a sudden revelation surprises us with insight.I was schooled in shame.